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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Triple Treat Thursday - "Deform to Form a Star" by Steven Wilson

This is the first Thursday of our blog. We have decided to dedicate every Thursday as a Triple Treat  Thursday (TTT), in which all three of us will be posting our reviews for the song of the day.

I listened to the song for the first time in a while last night and it's just gorgeous. The guitar solo is what really stands out to me. Fits perfectly in the song and is very well played. Steven Wilson is also a perfectionist when it comes to composing song structures and this one is no different.
- Chris

I may be new to the Steven Wilson bandwagon, but let me tell you that its a train worth hitching a ride on. At 7:51 seconds Deform to Form a Star may seem like a daunting task to listen to, but time seems to come to a standstill when this is song is played. From the ominous first chords to the harmonic ending, Deform to Form a Star should be listened to by everyone who loves music.
- Josh

I can write a 40-page paper on the brilliance of Steven Wilson, but luckily for all of you, only 1 of his songs is being reviewed today.  "Deform to Form a Star" is one of the most gorgeous compositions I've ever heard.  The vocal melodies in the verses and chorus are sheer perfection, the note selection & guitar tone in the 1st guitar solo is stunning, and just when the song comes to a halt and you think it's over, it jumps back in with an achingly beautiful vocal bit that will make you happy to be alive and able to listen to such perfection.
- Steve

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